Franklin Falls Engagement Photo
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Franklin Falls Engagement Photo

Franklin Falls has always been a dream location for me in terms of engagement photos. What is difficult is finding a couple that is willing to go on an adventure with hiking and getting in the water. Luckily, I found Lucy and Carlos. We met at the Seattle Wedding Show at the beginning of 2023. They were a couple of a few words, but they always bring a big smile to each other and anybody around them. And on the day of the session, they have shown what courageous troopers they were. It was my first time hiking his trail, so none of us had any expectations of how hard it would be. However, we had lots of fun along the way, and they were down for any photo idea that I had. To get to the bottom of the falls, we actually had to climb and cross over numerous logs, but that did not stop the couple from venturing forward. Even when the day got darker and I had one last photo idea. I asked the couple, "Are you guys ready to get in the water?" Carlos showed some hesitation, but Lucy immediately responded, "Yes, let's do it." Throughout the whole time when they were in the water, Lucy did not seem to be bothered by the water temperature. On the other side, Carlos struggled a little bit with his bad knees. Regardless, I absolutely commend this couple for their willingness to do whatever it takes to get the shots done. The images couldn't turned out to be more perfect!

Keywords: Franklin Falls, PNW Engagement Phtographer.